The Right Way to Oversample in Predictive Modeling
Imbalanced datasets spring up everywhere. Amazon wants to classify fake reviews, banks want to predict fraudulent credit card charges, and, as of this November, Facebook researchers are probably wondering if they can predict which news articles are fake.
In each of these cases, only a small fraction of observations are actually positives. I’d guess that only 1 in 10,000 credit card charges are fraudulent, at most. Recently, oversampling the minority class observations has become a common approach to improve the quality of predictive modeling. By oversampling, models are sometimes better able to learn patterns that differentiate classes.
However, this post isn’t about how this can improve modeling. Instead, it’s about how the timing of oversampling can affect the generalization ability of a model. Since one of the primary goals of model validation is to estimate how it will perform on unseen data, oversampling correctly is critical.
Preparing the Data
I’m going to try to predict whether someone will default on or a creditor will have to charge off a loan, using data from Lending Club. I’ll start by importing some modules and loading the data.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
loans = pd.read_csv('../')
id 1077501
member_id 1296599
loan_amnt 5000
funded_amnt 5000
funded_amnt_inv 4975
term 36 months
int_rate 10.65
installment 162.87
grade B
sub_grade B2
emp_title NaN
emp_length 10+ years
home_ownership RENT
bad_loans 0
emp_length_num 11
grade_num 5
sub_grade_num 0.4
delinq_2yrs_zero 1
pub_rec_zero 1
collections_12_mths_zero 1
short_emp 0
payment_inc_ratio 8.1435
final_d 20141201T000000
last_delinq_none 1
last_record_none 1
last_major_derog_none 1
Name: 0, dtype: object
There’s a lot of cool person and loan-specific information in this dataset. The target variable is bad_loans
, which is 1 if the loan was charged off or the lessee defaulted, and 0 otherwise. I know this dataset should be imbalanced (most loans are paid off), but how imbalanced is it?
0 99457
1 23150
Name: bad_loans, dtype: int64
Charge offs occurred or people defaulted on about 19% of loans, so there’s some imbalance in the data but it’s not terrible. I’ll remove a few observations with missing values for a payment-to-income ratio and then pick a handful of features to use in a random forest model.
loans = loans[~loans.payment_inc_ratio.isnull()]
model_variables = ['grade', 'home_ownership','emp_length_num', 'sub_grade','short_emp',
'dti', 'term', 'purpose', 'int_rate', 'last_delinq_none', 'last_major_derog_none',
'revol_util', 'total_rec_late_fee', 'payment_inc_ratio', 'bad_loans']
loans_data_relevent = loans[model_variables]
Next, I need to one-hot encode the categorical features as binary variables to use them in sklearn’s random forest classifier.
loans_relevant_enconded = pd.get_dummies(loans_data_relevent)
Creating the Training and Test Sets
With the data prepared, I can create a training dataset and a test dataset. I’ll use the training dataset to build and validate the model, and treat the test dataset as the unseen new data I’d see if the model were in production.
training_features, test_features, \
training_target, test_target, = train_test_split(loans_relevant_enconded.drop(['bad_loans'], axis=1),
test_size = .1,
The Wrong Way to Oversample
With my training data created, I’ll upsample the bad loans using the SMOTE algorithm (Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique). At a high level, SMOTE creates synthetic observations of the minority class (bad loans) by:
- Finding the k-nearest-neighbors for minority class observations (finding similar observations)
- Randomly choosing one of the k-nearest-neighbors and using it to create a similar, but randomly tweaked, new observation.
After upsampling to a class ratio of 1.0, I should have a balanced dataset. There’s no need (and often it’s not smart) to balance the classes, but it magnifies the issue caused by incorrectly timed oversampling.
sm = SMOTE(random_state=12, ratio = 1.0)
x_res, y_res = sm.fit_sample(training_features, training_target)
print training_target.value_counts(), np.bincount(y_res)
0 89493
1 20849
Name: bad_loans, dtype: int64 [89493 89493]
After upsampling, I’ll split the data into separate training and validation sets and build a random forest model to classify the bad loans.
x_train_res, x_val_res, y_train_res, y_val_res = train_test_split(x_res,
test_size = .1,
clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=25, random_state=12), y_train_res)
clf_rf.score(x_val_res, y_val_res)
88% accuracy looks good, but I’m not just interested in accuracy. I also want to know how well I can specifically classify bad loans, since they’re more important. In statistics, this is called recall, and it’s the number of correctly predicted “positives” divided by the total number of “positives”.
recall_score(y_val_res, clf_rf.predict(x_val_res))
81% recall. That means the model correctly identified 81% of the total bad loans. That’s pretty great. But is this actually representative of how the model will perform? To find out, I’ll calculate the accuracy and recall for the model on the test dataset I created initially.
print clf_rf.score(test_features, test_target)
print recall_score(test_target, clf_rf.predict(test_features))
Only 80% accuracy and 13% recall on the test data. That’s a huge difference!
What Happened?
By oversampling before splitting into training and validation datasets, I “bleed” information from the validation set into the training of the model.
To see how this works, think about the case of simple oversampling (where I just duplicate observations). If I upsample a dataset before splitting it into a train and validation set, I could end up with the same observation in both datasets. As a result, a complex enough model will be able to perfectly predict the value for those observations when predicting on the validation set, inflating the accuracy and recall.
When upsampling using SMOTE, I don’t create duplicate observations. However, because the SMOTE algorithm uses the nearest neighbors of observations to create synthetic data, it still bleeds information. If the nearest neighbors of minority class observations in the training set end up in the validation set, their information is partially captured by the synthetic data in the training set. Since I’m splitting the data randomly, we’d expect to have this happen. As a result, the model will be better able to predict validation set values than completely new data.
The Right Way to Oversample
Okay, so I’ve gone through the wrong way to oversample. Now I’ll go through the right way: oversampling on only the training data.
x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(training_features, training_target,
test_size = .1,
sm = SMOTE(random_state=12, ratio = 1.0)
x_train_res, y_train_res = sm.fit_sample(x_train, y_train)
By oversampling only on the training data, none of the information in the validation data is being used to create synthetic observations. So these results should be generalizable. Let’s see if that’s true.
clf_rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=25, random_state=12), y_train_res)
print 'Validation Results'
print clf_rf.score(x_val, y_val)
print recall_score(y_val, clf_rf.predict(x_val))
print '\nTest Results'
print clf_rf.score(test_features, test_target)
print recall_score(test_target, clf_rf.predict(test_features))
Validation Results
Test Results
The validation results closely match the unseen test data results, which is exactly what I would want to see after putting a model into production.
Oversampling is a well-known way to potentially improve models trained on imbalanced data. But it’s important to remember that oversampling incorrectly can lead to thinking a model will generalize better than it actually does. Random forests are great because the model architecture reduces overfitting (see Brieman 2001 for a proof), but poor sampling practices can still lead to false conclusions about the quality of a model.
When the model is in production, it’s predicting on unseen data. The main point of model validation is to estimate how the model will generalize to new data. If the decision to put a model into production is based on how it performs on a validation set, it’s critical that oversampling is done correctly.
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