Music Recommendations with Collaborative Filtering and Cosine Distance

13 minute read

I’ve been using a lot of products with recommendation engines lately, so I decided it would be cool to build one myself. Recommender systems can be loosely broken down into three categories: content based systems, collaborative filtering systems, and hybrid systems (which use a combination of the other two).

Content based recommender systems use the features of items to recommend other similar items. For example, if I’m browsing for solid colored t-shirts on Amazon, a content based recommender might recommend me other t-shirts or solid colored sweatshirts because they have similar features (sleeves, single color, shirt, etc.).

Collaborative filtering based systems use the actions of users to recommend other items. In general, they can either be user based or item based. User based collaborating filtering uses the patterns of users similar to me to recommend a product (users like me also looked at these other items). Item based collaborative filtering uses the patterns of users who browsed the same item as me to recommend me a product (users who looked at my item also looked at these other items).

For this post, I’m going to build an item based collaborative filtering system. I’ll leave the user based collaborative filtering recommender for another post.

Finding a Dataset for Recommendations

While googling around for a good dataset, I stumbled upon a page from 2011 with a bunch of cool datasets. Since I use Spotify and Pandora all the time, I figured I’d choose a music dataset.

The data are from the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. The data were scraped by Òscar Celma using the API, and they are available free of charge for non-commercial use. So, thank you Òscar!

The data are broken into two parts: the activity data and the profile data. The activity data comprises about 360,000 individual users’s artist listening information. It details how many times a user played songs by various artists. The profile data contains each user’s country of residence. We’ll use read.table from pandas to read in the tab-delimited files.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix

# display results to 3 decimal points, not in scientific notation
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
user_data = pd.read_table('/users/nickbecker/Downloads/lastfm-dataset-360K/usersha1-artmbid-artname-plays.tsv',
                          header = None, nrows = 2e7,
                          names = ['users', 'musicbrainz-artist-id', 'artist-name', 'plays'],
                          usecols = ['users', 'artist-name', 'plays'])
user_profiles = pd.read_table('/users/nickbecker/Downloads/lastfm-dataset-360K/usersha1-profile.tsv',
                          header = None,
                          names = ['users', 'gender', 'age', 'country', 'signup'],
                          usecols = ['users', 'country'])

Let’s take a quick look at the two datasets.

000000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bbetty blowtorch2137
100000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bdie Ärzte1099
200000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bmelissa etheridge897
400000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bjuliette & the licks706
400007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4feUnited States

With the datasets loaded in memory, we can start doing some data work and eventually make recommendations.

Since we’re going to be doing item-based collaborative filtering, our recommendations will be based on user patterns in listening to artists. Lesser known artists will have views from fewer viewers, making the pattern more noisy. This would probably result in bad recommendations (or at least ones highly sensitive to an individual person who loves one obscure artist. To avoid this problem, we’ll just look at the popular artists.

To find out which artists are popular, we need to know the total play count of every artist. Since our user play count data has one row per artist per user, we need to aggregate it up to the artist level. With pandas, we can group by the artist name and then calculate the sum of the plays column for every artist. If the artist-name variable is missing, our future reshaping and analysis won’t work. So I’ll start by removing rows where the artist name is missing just to be safe.

if user_data['artist-name'].isnull().sum() > 0:
    user_data = user_data.dropna(axis = 0, subset = ['artist-name'])
artist_plays = (user_data.
     groupby(by = ['artist-name'])['plays'].
     rename(columns = {'plays': 'total_artist_plays'})
     [['artist-name', 'total_artist_plays']]
380lİ yillarin tÜrkÇe sÖzlÜ aŞk Şarkilari70
4amy winehouse23

Now we can merge the total play count data into the user activity data, giving us exactly what we need to filter out the lesser known artists.

user_data_with_artist_plays = user_data.merge(artist_plays, left_on = 'artist-name', right_on = 'artist-name', how = 'left')
000000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bbetty blowtorch213725651
100000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bdie Ärzte10993704875
200000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bmelissa etheridge897180391
400000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bjuliette & the licks70690498

With nearly 300,000 different artists, it’s almost a guarantee most artists have been played only a few times. Let’s look at the descriptive statistics.

print artist_plays['total_artist_plays'].describe()
count     292364.000
mean       12907.037
std       185981.313
min            1.000
25%           53.000
50%          208.000
75%         1048.000
max     30466827.000
Name: total_artist_plays, dtype: float64

As expected, the median artist has only been played about 200 times. Let’s take a look at the top of the distribution.

print artist_plays['total_artist_plays'].quantile(np.arange(.9, 1, .01)), 
0.900     6138.000
0.910     7410.000
0.920     9102.960
0.930    11475.590
0.940    14898.440
0.950    19964.250
0.960    28419.880
0.970    43541.330
0.980    79403.440
0.990   198482.590
Name: total_artist_plays, dtype: float64

So about 1% of artists have roughly 200,000 or more plays, 2% have 80,000 or more, and 3% have 40,000 or more. Since we have so many artists, we’ll limit it to the top 3%. This is an arbitrary threshold for popularity, but it gives us about 9000 different artists. It seems to me that including more than that might push us into the problem of noisy listening patterns we’re trying to avoid.

popularity_threshold = 40000
user_data_popular_artists = user_data_with_artist_plays.query('total_artist_plays >= @popularity_threshold')
100000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bdie Ärzte10993704875
200000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bmelissa etheridge897180391
400000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bjuliette & the licks70690498
500000c289a1829a808ac09c00daf10bc3c4e223bred hot chili peppers69113547741

Filtering to US Users Only

Since I’m in Washington, D.C., I’ll limit the user data to just those from the United States. This will reduce the number of users and artists considerably, improving the computational efficiency significantly.

First, I’ll merge in the user profile data that has the user’s country. Then I’ll filter the data to only users in the United States.

combined = user_data_popular_artists.merge(user_profiles, left_on = 'users', right_on = 'users', how = 'left')
usa_data = combined.query('country == \'United States\'')
15600007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4fedevendra banhart4562366807United States
15700007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4feboards of canada4076115545United States
15800007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4fecocorosie3862194862United States
15900007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4feaphex twin2134248296United States
16000007a47085b9aab8af55f52ec8846ac479ac4feanimal collective2033495537United States

Before doing any analysis, we should make sure the dataset is internally consistent. Every user should only have a play count variable once for each artist. So we’ll check for instances where rows have the same users and artist-name values.

if not usa_data[usa_data.duplicated(['users', 'artist-name'])].empty:
    initial_rows = usa_data.shape[0]

    print 'Initial dataframe shape {0}'.format(usa_data.shape)
    usa_data = usa_data.drop_duplicates(['users', 'artist-name'])
    current_rows = usa_data.shape[0]
    print 'New dataframe shape {0}'.format(usa_data.shape)
    print 'Removed {0} rows'.format(initial_rows - current_rows)

Initial dataframe shape (2788019, 5)
New dataframe shape (2788013, 5)
Removed 6 rows

Implemeting the Nearest Neighbor Model

Reshaping the Data

For K-Nearest Neighbors, we want the data to be in an m x n array, where m is the number of artists and n is the number of users. To reshape the dataframe, we’ll pivot the dataframe to the wide format with artists as rows and users as columns. Then we’ll fill the missing observations with 0s since we’re going to be performing linear algebra operations (calculating distances between vectors). Finally, we transform the values of the dataframe into a scipy sparse matrix for more efficient calculations.

wide_artist_data = usa_data.pivot(index = 'artist-name', columns = 'users', values = 'plays').fillna(0)
wide_artist_data_sparse = csr_matrix(wide_artist_data.values)

Fitting the Model

Time to implement the model. We’ll initialize the NearestNeighbors class as model_knn and fit our sparse matrix to the instance. By specifying the metric = cosine, the model will measure similarity bectween artist vectors by using cosine similarity.

from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

model_knn = NearestNeighbors(metric = 'cosine', algorithm = 'brute')

Making Recommendations

And we’re finally ready to make some recommendations!

query_index = np.random.choice(wide_data.shape[0])
distances, indices = model_knn.kneighbors(wide_artist_data.iloc[query_index, :].reshape(1, -1), n_neighbors = 6)

for i in range(0, len(distances.flatten())):
    if i == 0:
        print 'Recommendations for {0}:\n'.format(wide_artist_data.index[query_index])
        print '{0}: {1}, with distance of {2}:'.format(i, wide_artist_data.index[indices.flatten()[i]], distances.flatten()[i])
Recommendations for tony bennett:

1: frank sinatra, with distance of 0.226917809755:
2: keiko matsui, with distance of 0.39397227453:
3: andy williams, with distance of 0.477163884119:
4: chic, with distance of 0.488077997533:
5: cherry poppin daddies, with distance of 0.4908909547:

Pretty good! Frank Sinatra and Andy Williams are obviously good recommendations for Tony Bennett. I’d never heard of Keiko Matsui or Cherry Poppin Daddies, but they both seem like good recommendations after listening to their music. Chic, though, doesn’t seem as similar to me as the other artists do (Chic sounds a little more disco-y).

Why would our model recommend Chic? Since we’re doing item-based collaborative filtering with K-Nearest Neighbors on the actual play count data, outliers can have a big influence. If a few users listened to Tony Bennett and Chic a ton, our distance metric between vectors will be heavily influenced by those individual observations.

So is this good? Maybe. Depending on our goal, we might want super-fans to have disproportionate weight in the distance calculation. But could we represent the data differently to avoid this feature?

Binary Play Count Data

Previously, we used the actual play counts as values in our artist vectors. Another approach would be convert each vector into a binary (1 or 0): either a user played the song or they did not. We can do this by applying the sign function in numpy to each column in the dataframe.

wide_artist_data_zero_one = wide_artist_data.apply(np.sign)
wide_artist_data_zero_one_sparse = csr_matrix(wide_artist_data_zero_one.values)

save_sparse_csr('/users/nickbecker/Python_Projects/lastfm_sparse_artist_matrix_binary.npz', wide_artist_data_zero_one_sparse)
model_nn_binary = NearestNeighbors(metric='cosine', algorithm='brute')

Let’s make a quick comparison. Which recommendations for Tony Bennett look better?

distances, indices = model_nn_binary.kneighbors(wide_artist_data_zero_one.iloc[query_index, :].reshape(1, -1), n_neighbors = 6)

for i in range(0, len(distances.flatten())):
    if i == 0:
        print 'Recommendations with binary play data for {0}:\n'.format(wide_artist_data_zero_one.index[query_index])
        print '{0}: {1}, with distance of {2}:'.format(i, wide_artist_data_zero_one.index[indices.flatten()[i]], distances.flatten()[i])
Recommendations with binary play data for tony bennett:

1: nat king cole, with distance of 0.771590841231:
2: dean martin, with distance of 0.791135426625:
3: frank sinatra, with distance of 0.815388695965:
4: bobby darin, with distance of 0.818033228367:
5: doris day, with distance of 0.81859043384:

These are great, too. At least for Tony Bennett, the binary data representation recommendations look just as good if not better. Someone who likes Tony Bennett might also like Nat King Cole or Frank Sinatra. The distances are higher, but that’s due to squashing the data by using the sign function.

Again, it’s not obvious which method is better. Since ultimately it’s the users’s future actions that indicate which recommender system is better, it’s a perfect candidate for A/B Testing. For now, I’ll stick with the binary data representation model.

Recommending Artists on Command with Fuzzy Matching

Previously we picked query artists at random. But really, we want to make recommendations for a specific artist on command. Since some artists’s names are ambiguous or commonly mispelled, we’ll include fuzzy matching part in the process so we don’t need exact name matches.

So we can do this anytime we want, we’ll define a function print_artist_recommendations to do it.

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz

def print_artist_recommendations(query_artist, artist_plays_matrix, knn_model, k):
    query_artist: query artist name
    artist_plays_matrix: artist play count dataframe (not the sparse one, the pandas dataframe)
    knn_model: our previously fitted sklearn knn model
    k: the number of nearest neighbors.
    Prints: Artist recommendations for the query artist
    Returns: None
    query_index = None
    ratio_tuples = []
    for i in artist_plays_matrix.index:
        ratio = fuzz.ratio(i.lower(), query_artist.lower())
        if ratio >= 75:
            current_query_index = artist_plays_matrix.index.tolist().index(i)
            ratio_tuples.append((i, ratio, current_query_index))
    print 'Possible matches: {0}\n'.format([(x[0], x[1]) for x in ratio_tuples])
        query_index = max(ratio_tuples, key = lambda x: x[1])[2] # get the index of the best artist match in the data
        print 'Your artist didn\'t match any artists in the data. Try again'
        return None
    distances, indices = knn_model.kneighbors(artist_plays_matrix.iloc[query_index, :].reshape(1, -1), n_neighbors = k + 1)

    for i in range(0, len(distances.flatten())):
        if i == 0:
            print 'Recommendations for {0}:\n'.format(artist_plays_matrix.index[query_index])
            print '{0}: {1}, with distance of {2}:'.format(i, artist_plays_matrix.index[indices.flatten()[i]], distances.flatten()[i])

    return None

Time to try a few sample bands and get some recommendations for music I might like.

print_artist_recommendations('red hot chili peppers', wide_artist_data_zero_one, model_nn_binary, k = 10)
Possible matches: [('red hot chili peppers', 100)]

Recommendations for red hot chili peppers:

1: incubus, with distance of 0.686632912166:
2: the beatles, with distance of 0.693856742888:
3: sublime, with distance of 0.70540037526:
4: foo fighters, with distance of 0.71155686859:
5: coldplay, with distance of 0.716691422348:
6: led zeppelin, with distance of 0.722488787624:
7: nirvana, with distance of 0.724943983169:
8: green day, with distance of 0.734603813118:
9: radiohead, with distance of 0.737372302802:
10: rage against the machine, with distance of 0.740136491957:
print_artist_recommendations('arctic monkeys', wide_artist_data_zero_one, model_nn_binary, k = 10)
Possible matches: [('arctic monkeys', 100)]

Recommendations for arctic monkeys:

1: the strokes, with distance of 0.746696592481:
2: the kooks, with distance of 0.767492571954:
3: bloc party, with distance of 0.772120302741:
4: franz ferdinand, with distance of 0.774566073856:
5: the killers, with distance of 0.807176759929:
6: radiohead, with distance of 0.812762633074:
7: the fratellis, with distance of 0.814611330462:
8: kings of leon, with distance of 0.815408152181:
9: the beatles, with distance of 0.815680085574:
10: the white stripes, with distance of 0.81607343278:
print_artist_recommendations('u2', wide_artist_data_zero_one, model_nn_binary, k = 10)
Possible matches: [('u2', 100)]

Recommendations for u2:

1: r.e.m., with distance of 0.690057376797:
2: coldplay, with distance of 0.697303504846:
3: the beatles, with distance of 0.726085401263:
4: the police, with distance of 0.756131589948:
5: radiohead, with distance of 0.77692434746:
6: pearl jam, with distance of 0.778566201394:
7: the rolling stones, with distance of 0.782771546531:
8: led zeppelin, with distance of 0.788269370325:
9: dave matthews band, with distance of 0.788520439902:
10: bruce springsteen, with distance of 0.789619233997:
print_artist_recommendations('dispatch', wide_artist_data_zero_one, model_nn_binary, k = 10)
Possible matches: [('dispatch', 100)]

Recommendations for dispatch:

1: state radio, with distance of 0.665125909027:
2: o.a.r., with distance of 0.749067403207:
3: jack johnson, with distance of 0.778821492779:
4: dave matthews band, with distance of 0.792342999987:
5: guster, with distance of 0.821963512261:
6: ben harper, with distance of 0.824748164332:
7: slightly stoopid, with distance of 0.837663503717:
8: the john butler trio, with distance of 0.841162765581:
9: donavon frankenreiter, with distance of 0.841397926422:
10: sublime, with distance of 0.846795058358:

To be brief, these are fantastic.

Future Ideas

Scaling up to Massive Datasets

Since we’re calling model_nn_binary every query, we’re calculating the distance of each artist vector in our wide_artist_data_sparse array to the query artist vector every time we want recommendations. If our dataset is fairly small (like in this post), this isn’t an issue. If we had the entirety of’s user data, we’d be bottlenecked like crazy at query time.

Because we’re doing item based collaborative filtering, we can actually avoid this issue. The item vectors change, of course, as users listen to more artists. But, in general, they are pretty static. If we pre-computed an item-item similarity matrix (in our case, every cell would be the cosine-distance between artist i and artist j), we could just look up the similarity values at query time. This is way faster, and scales extremely well to massive datasets.

If we were doing user based collaboartive filtering, we’d probably need to do more frequent computations since user activity fluctuates so much. If we wanted real-time recommendations based on user behavior similarities (including things like recent browsing history or recent actions), we’d be totally bottlenecked.

Fortunately, there’s been great work done on Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search techniques such as locality sensitive hashing. These techniques sacrifice the guarantee of finding the nearest neighbors for increases in computational efficiency, and work extremely well with high dimensional data. The Machine Learning: Clustering & Retrieval course on Coursera has a great walk-through of LSH for those curious.

While our recommendation engine is doing a great job, it’s only recommending popular artists (by design). A really cool alternative recommender might recommend us unknown artists given a query artist so we can discover new music.

Recommending lesser known artists is a huge challenge that doesn’t fit as well with standard collaborative filtering, so we might want to incorporate feature based recommendations into such a system.

For those interested, the Jupyter Notebook with all the code can be found in the Github repository for this post.

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